I’m Alive!
Hello from Taiwan! It’s good to see you again.
I have a confession: I haven’t published a blog post in ages. (In case you didn’t notice) It’s been errrr.. a two year blogging hiatus.
Second confession. Nothing major happened really, except I put my travel business on halt at the very early stages of the pandemic, and I became a mother.
Now, that I feel more settled after a year of motherhood, I am ready to start my little corner of the internet back up and return from my blogging break.
We’re only three months into the year, so we have lots of catching up to do.
The last time I blogged, I was coffee drunk in a cafe in Vietnam. That was in January 2019 where I spent a month or so dilly dallying, idling along the charming streets of Hanoi and working on projects. Fast forward a year later January 2020 I had my first baby when the pandemic started. This would induce stress and worries in any mothers to be, but not me. I was far too busy recovering at a Postpartum hotel.
The UK has endured 3 lock-downs since the outbreak which my dear mum can’t stop complaining about. Sitting in her garden (the only place she can walk outside freely), she asks me via facetime “ How’s lockdown in Taiwan?” I’m like What lockdown? Taiwan has had no lockdowns. Like ever.
It’s been a year since the pandemic has upended the globe in so many ways.
As cases soared and my family and friends holed up in lockdown in the UK, life in Taiwan has remained the same, just like pre-coronavirus times.
Taiwan has reported only less than 1k cases (largely imported) and 9 deaths across a population of nearly 24 million. The figures say the island’s handling of the pandemic is regarded as one of the world’s most successful Covid stories. Don’t believe me. Read what the Economist’s take on Taiwan’s Covid response.
I hope you don’t think I’m bragging. I’m just tremendously grateful that I can spend my days without worrying about getting a vaccine or having to endure a lock-down.
Ok. I won’t bore you any further about the pandemic. Instead, I’ll share a preview of what’s to come on Outlanderly. For a long time, my content has yo yoed from fashion to travel heavy posts. Now that I’ve become a mother,
I’m tethered to the home. I moved to the countryside which means my lifestyle has really changed from city gal to country woman. After 5 months of living as a country dweller I finally got up my procrastinating self and got my drivers license. Seriously, everything is so freaking far away.
Of course there are perks of living in sticks, and some of them include being mindful in the way I live and being more health conscious. From stresses of urban life to adapting to the tranquility of the countryside, I’ve had heaps of time to reflect on the content that I share.
I realized Outlanderly has much more to offer than an OOTD or a weekend getaway post. I thought why not make this a Lifestyle blog. A site that also celebrates health, living wholeheartedly, personal stories and family life. Above all, giving you snippets into whats it’s like living in Taiwan.
If you’re used to reading weekly posts from me, I’d have to say Fat Chance. I’m taking it easy. I will be posting less to begin with as I think I can only squeeze 2 posts a month. I’m not being lazy, I swear. I’m feeling a bit blogger rusty and I’ve got my little one to manage. Although, I plan on showing up a lot more around here this year, and I am so excited for all that’s to come! I look forward to sharing new posts with you. Stay tuned!