Hi guys! Spring is here, so let’s say goodbye to Winter! The grass has risen, the birds are chirping, and there’s more warmth and sunny days. Time for picnics and more strolls at the park. After months of slobbing around in comfy sweatpants, finally we are able to wear floaty floral dresses and get dressed up to go somewhere!
Now that we’re slowly seeing brighter days, it’s time for some spring cleaning. Speaking of which I’ve been doing some serious wardrobe revaluation. Out with the old and in with the new. My sweaters won’t be appearing until next winter, thank god! Since becoming a mother, my style has slipped into the “mom wardrobe” of leggings and tunic literally everyday… which is my usual go to… but I won’t let that dominate the wardrobe forever. I have yet to find my style again.
Not only has my style changed, but my life in general has. From having no free time to endless loads of laundry, everything about my life is very different. I mean everything.
There’s no denying it. These changes were expected and nothing was going to remain the same. Motherhood for me over the past year has definitely been life changing but even with the numerous changes, it’s been a wonderful journey and most rewarding way of life possible. Now that I’m feeling myself again, I’m ready to share my experience of how life-changing becoming a mother has been for me.
There’s so much love
After a long day, when my daughter is finally asleep, I sigh with relief because it’s finally ‘me time’. I can continue my side projects or workout without interruption… (Kind of) or do something I’ve been craving practically all day.
Although on most nights, I find myself swiping my phone looking at photos of my little girl. It sounds trite, but it’s true: I never imagined that I could love anything as much as I love my baby. From the moment held her I felt a profound sense of love and obligation in my life. She is my every hope and dream.
Health conscious
Becoming responsible for someone else’s health and eating habits has changed the way I look at food. I definitely spend more time in the kitchen making healthier meals for myself and the little one. Before it wasn’t a priority. I’ve always had a sweet tooth which meant I used to eat chocolate and other treats before and after meals. Now, I’m eating healthy snacks such as nuts and fruit!
Lack of Sleep
Sleep is a big theme in my life. I used to stay up past midnight on my blog or go out to a party. The new me goes to bed most nights at midnight, including weekends. I used to sleep in on Saturdays until 10am. These days my tot gets me up at 7am and sometimes 5.30am. I am always exhausted. Looking after a toddler actually takes way more mental energy than I ever would have imagined. It’s quite a challenge to get this opinionated human to do things you want her to do, like sit down or stay still.
Blogging has gotten tricky
Gone were the days when doing outdoor photo shoots were a breeze. Nowadays, I’m spoon feeding my tot and making sure she’s not chasing any animals whilst my Instagram hubby is snapping away. Then there’s finding the time to write this post or edit any photos which requires more effort. Most days after a long day I just want to chill or if i’m feeling up to it, I blog.
Final thoughts
The journey of becoming a mother has been an enlightening one so far. It is always changing and always pushing me towards a better version of myself than I was the day before. There are so many beautiful things I want to teach my little girl about the world, but I know she has already taught me far more than I could ever teach her.
Maybe you can resonate to what I’m feeling, or perhaps you are wondering how you yourself will change. Whatever your experience may be, it’s your own, and it doesn’t need to look any particular way or like anyone else’s. But if you find yourself surprised, shocked even, by how much of a different person (or not!) you are after having kids, know that you are not at all alone because change is inevitable and change means growth.